Sunday, February 27, 2011

Little girl painting

Cherie by Cherie
I was really stuck on what painting to do at the Cathy Leonard workshop.  I found a few photos of dragon flies and an old black and white photo of me when I was three years old.

On the day I decided to challenge myself by painting myself.  It was very difficult because I was painting onto a small canvas so the finer detail needed to be more perfect than ever.  Especially the shape of the eyes, the nose and the smile of the mouth. 

Its not a bad painting considering the challenge and I enjoyed the day with Cathy's tuition and the other girls.  My Auntie Christine and Auntie Joan were there too, so that was awesome to share the day with them.  They did photos of their grandchildren Dakota and Jordan. 

From all the positive comments made by all, we all enjoyed ourselves, painted, chatted, laughed, had lunch, beers and wine, and enjoyed Maeve's help with our paintings too.  You would have thought it was Cathy talking, Maeve knew exactly what to do with the paintings, just like her mama.  She's a gorgeous little girl.

LtoR: Cherie, Chris, Joan, Maeve, Coralie, Renae, Patrice, Rachel
I want to do another workshop again in a few months time to continue to develop my painting skills.  I think they are getting better. 

I have also passed by Cathy the idea to exhibit our work at some point.  Counting the three workshops, there have been 16 paintings completed and they are all pretty good. It will be interesting to see what direction these workshops take us.

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