Charlie and Owen playing trains August 2010 |
First thing this morning Charlie, Owen and I were sitting on the bed. I was getting ready to feed Owen some milk when he looked up at me with a big smile and said "car". I screamed "his first word is car Charlie, his first word is car" and Charlie was very impressed.
Charlie loves playing with his cars and trains, and they are a very important part of his life. Charlie has been making a real effort to introduce and make them Owen friends too. It's so cute seeing them play cars and trains together. Charlie grabs a car or train to tell Owen all about it, the colour and type, its name and shows him different jumps and driving techniques with the occassional car engine and train toot noise. Owen is always very attentive to his big brothers car advice and has a big smile on his face.
So listen all, write it down in the books, on the calendar, and let all the friends and relatives know. Owens first word is car!
Owen is five months now. He's no longer that little new born baby, who was all floppy and totally relied on me for everything. I mean he still relies on me for everything but he is different now.
Owen is controlling his body by rolling around on the floor, lifting his arms and legs, grabbing hold of things like his feet, rolling over onto his stomach and lifting his head, straightening his arms to hold his body off the ground, and moving his bum in the air nearly into Adho Mukha Svanasana (down dog). Owen is blowing rasberries, smiling and talking the baby talk constantly and is a very happy little baby. No signs of teeth yet but they will come.
It is so fabulous to see these changes taking place. I am so blessed.
And by the way did I tell you, Owen must be one of the smartest babies I know because the word car at five months is amazing!